Often times when people screw up really bad they think they have gone too far and that there is no point in even trying anymore. They are wrong. You can NEVER be " past the point of no return". Satan will tell you differently. He will do whatever he can to get you to think that you have committed a sin to terrible that there is no point to even try to repent. But do not let him deceive you. You can ALWAYS repent and "come home". Our father in heaven will love us no matter what we do. He will always be willing to let you repent and be forgiven. You are a child of God. When you repent you can return to live with him again. Heavenly Father wants as many of his children to come back to him. He loves all his children no matter how popular, pretty, cute, or cool they are. None of that matters to him. He loves all his children very much. I can testify that i feel his love ever present every day and i know that he loves me. I know that i truly am a daughter of God.