1. adjusting to the new school & Dance studio & ward
2. having a boy play me for an entire semester
3. jealousy issues
4. lack of self confidence
5. trying to fit in with the advanced dancers in my class at school
6. losing close friends
7. keeping up good grades
8. having no friends (not literally)
9. only finding time for a few hours of sleep each night
10. having to endure ten more weeks of all this ^^^^
As much as it sounds like I think my life sucks, i really don't think that. at times i do but at the end of the day I know that I have it pretty easy compared to some people... so here are ten things that keep me going and from giving up.
1. My Family (Specifically My Daddy)
2. The Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
3. Brandon Hanson
4. Music
5. Dancing
6. The North Point Ward (My Ward Family)
7. Crying
8. James Charles Taylor
9. My Testimony Of a Loving Father in Heaven
10. Laughter
I am not a normal Teenager.
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This is very sweet. You are a good writer. You express yourself very well. xoxo